Lindsay Jordan has always had a passion and interest in helping and educating people on how to live healthier lives. After receiving her Bachelors of Science in Public Health Education from Portland State University, she experienced the benefits of Acupuncture first hand leading her to Acupuncture School. In 2007 Lindsay earned her Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine in Portland, Oregon. She is licensed by the Oregon Board of Medical Examiners and certified by the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
After several years of experience treating a wide variety of conditions with Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Lindsay’s practice is now mostly focused on the treatment of orthopedic conditions, sports acupuncture and pain management. Lindsay completed a six month apprenticeship program in Sports Acupuncture with Whitfield Reaves, one of the innovators in the field of Sports Acupuncture. This apprenticeship gave Lindsay advanced training in the diagnosis, assessment and treatment of acute/chronic pain, sports injuries and performance enhancement for athletes. Over the years Lindsay has trained in a number of different styles of acupuncture to accommodate the best fit for each patient.