Jon specializes in the treatment of pain and neurological conditions and incorporates a background in Sports Medicine to take a well-rounded approach to wellness. His mission as an acupuncturist is to help people feel better doing the things they love. Many people are surprised to learn that acupuncture is merely one facet of the system of Chinese Medicine. The other “pillars” of Chinese Medicine include various forms of manual body work, Chinese herbal medicine, dietary ‘medicine’, and qi gong, or essentially, the cultivation of one’s energy and breath. The purpose of this holistic system is to consider each person in their entirety, and to seek out and address the root cause of a symptom or pattern of symptoms. These pillars can be said to take on a broader meaning in the current landscape where many of the factors contributing to mental and physical health are radically different. These can include personal attributes and elements of our lives like stress resiliency, nutrition, sleep hygiene, physical activity and mobility, and digital/social media usage. Through almost 15 years of study and practice in the world of health and wellness, Jon’s greatest passion has become the application of the intensive detail of modern research to better understand the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine in the context of the modern world. He looks forward to helping you reach your wellness goals.
Licensed Acupuncturist (L. Ac.) – Oregon Medical Board Diplomat of Oriental Medicine (Dipl. O.M.) - NCCAOM Master of Science: Oriental Medicine – Southwest Acupuncture College Bachelor of Science: Health and Exercise Science: Sports Medicine – Colorado State University